Logo and Report

Louis Shain 10 months ago updated by Rankinity 10 months ago 3

clients referrals.png Attached is logo to put on Report.

Also, on the report, can you show ranking 1-100 in ascending order.  Showing the best results at top?

Hello Louis,

To set a logo for the PDF report, please go to the White Labels section, click on your company and upload the logo. 

Image 701

Then go to your Project Settings and select White Label for the project. After this, the logo will be displayed in all PDF reports of the project.

Image 702

Sorting options are not supported in the reports, yet. We will implement this feature soon.

I did do that.  See attached.  It's still not showing.

Image 703

The problem is in the size of your image. Please prepare an image with a size 152 px * 152 px and try to upload it again.