We are ready to listen and implement your ideas. 

Sort keywords by tagging

H12345 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rankinity 11 aastat tagasi 1
Could you make it possible to see the average ranking of a group of keywords with the same tag? This could also be done by making it possible to assign multiple groups to one keyword (for example:
Keywords: "BMW i3"
Groups: "BMW", "High traffic keywords", "cars"

Indication of priority: nice to have in the long term.

PC or Smart Phones

Tomoya YAMAMOTO 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rankinity 10 aastat tagasi 1
How to recognize access client type such as PC or Smartphones?
If there is the difference of rankings, I need it.
It's nice to be able to set the access client type at 'Add Search Engine'.

Google Mobile Search Engine

Damon Maldonado 9 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rankinity 7 aastat tagasi 3

Is there any chance you will be adding Google Mobile as a search engine choice?

Thank you


Can I track all of my branded properties in one project? website, facebook, linkedin, google+ etc

Fiona Fell 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rankinity 11 aastat tagasi 1
I'd love to be able to track all of my project specific online properties, so I can see how much of the 1-10 results page I dominate. 

#1 website URL
#3 facebook page URL
#4 linkedin company page URL
other spots (2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) are competitors - I'd like to know if I'm pushing them out of the top spots.

Can I track them in one project?
Or do I need to set up a project per property?
Or could I set my social profile URLs up as competitors to my main website URL?

Is there a nice way to handle this tracking? Suggestions and ideas welcome.

- Fiona

View actual keyword on keyword detail page

Mike van Hoenselaar 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rankinity 10 aastat tagasi 1
When I click a keyword I get the ranking history in a graph.
Really small there is the actual keyword in grey.
I like it to be more visible.

App is too beta for the price

Mike Schawel 9 aastat tagasi 0

Lack of USA based search engines like Bing (We don't use Yandex)

Error messages are sometimes only in Russian

Various requests simply loop and never resolve

I get Agile builds but I expect all current functions to work as rudimentary as they may be

Ajaxy elements don't always work

The UI needs an audit and there does not seem to be a responsive framework in place

This app seems like a hobby from a singular developer