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Hello Miky,

Would you please send us a screenshot of your Positions page. It will help us to understand the problem. Thank you.


Please accept our apologies. We had some problems with our hosting provider and an important part of our servers was unavailable. But now all problems solved, and Rankinity completely restored and working. Due to a long downtime, we must recheck almost all keywords in our database. It may take about 20 hours. After that, Rankinity will work in a regular mode.

In the coming hours, we will monitor the performance and the stability of our servers to make sure that all is working normally.

Thank you for your patience!

Have a Good day!

Dear Clients,

Good news! Rankinity completely restored and working!

But due to a long downtime we must recheck almost all keywords in our database.

It may take about 20-24 hours. After that, Rankinity will work in a regular mode.

Thank you for your patience!

Have a Good day!

Hello Aaron,

Please accept our apologies. We have some problems with our current hosting provider. Rankinity itself works fine, but our hosting company cannot provide us a good and reliable resources. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens :(

To solve this problem, we decided to migrate our service to a new hosting provider. It may take several days. During this time rank tracking will not work, or will work very slow. We are doing all our best to restore a usual work as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and support!


Rankinity team

Hello John,

Thank you for your feedback! We have added your idea to our task list and plan to implement it in the new Rankinity version.

Ankit, You can get only current visibility values for your projects using a special API command: http://my.rankinity.com/api.en#main-functions-list-of-projects . Visibility values are stored in the "visibility_infos" array.

Please try to refresh your Positions page, it must show all 75 keywords. On our computers we always see 75 keywords, as on the Settings page. If it will not help, then please let us know about your Google Chrome version.

Добрый день, Артем!

В текущей реализации Rankinity позволяет сохранять 100 точек истории (примерно 3,5 месяца). Изначально мы сохраняли всю историю, но со временем столкнулись с проблемой быстродействия. Чем больше сохранялось истории - тем медленнее начинал работать сервис. Мы решили не дорабатывать текущую версию сервиса, и полностью сосредоточились на разработке новой версии Rankinity 2.0, в которой будет много новых возможностей, и уже предусмотрены механизмы корректного сохранения истории без ограничений.

Надеемся выпустить новую версию ближайшие несколько месяцев.

In the current implementation Rankinity allows to store 100 points of ranking history (about 3+ months). We tried to store more points, but in the current architecture we had problems with speed of work. The more history points - less speed of work. We decided not to change our current system, and fully concentrated on the new version (with unlimited ranking history).

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