Your comments

As an SEO specialist working with the "best" or most "expensive" tools in the market (depends how you define this) I can maybe give you some tips :-)

Report features

A. Mandatory

  • Option to choose format or report attachements  in a PDF, Excell, CSV
  • A schedule function is really important, first of every month , every monday, ...
B. Nice to have
  • add custom logo with for examples branded custom templates
  • choose the fiels you want to add searcht term, tag, group, week day or month ranking, url, ...
  • how everything ordered? ascending, descending, 
General Requests
Besides that I have another great feature that no other ranking tools have. You should definitely add multiple URLS tracking. For some companies it's important to track a facebook page, twitter page, mini-website, or other owned media. It's important that you try to own the search results on for example brand terms.
Universal search tracking en multiple URL tracking, it should be great if you know that the ranking is a video, an image, a google maps, rich snippet or other universal result. Most tracking tools show you if there are unicersal search results, and if yours is a video, image or not. Today you would think that a top 1 position is great, but a top 1 with an image isn't a high traffic earning position. If you rank with multiple urls for the same keyword, this would be nice to see.

Please keep up the good work