We are ready to listen and implement your ideas. 

Areas explained

Daniela 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Rankinity 11 lat temu 1
Hi Rankinity team,

I really like your tool and I hope you will continue to develop the exporting feature. 

I have a question, after trying to search in all of your relevant sources: what is the exact idea behind Areas reports?

In my first guess, it is a report based on the average positions of the competition's sites, for the given keywords list of a project. 

Is it correct, or there is more to this? 

Thanks in advance,

W trakcie analizy

Export positions for specific period. Day-by-day.

Николай Красавцев 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Rankinity 11 lat temu 1
If it stores them!

Visibility explained

Seo Pro 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Rankinity 11 lat temu 3
Could you provide us the visibility formula because, personally, I don't see what else could influence it as long as SERPs are accurate. 
W trakcie analizy

Overview of all websites

Rajkumar P 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Rankinity 10 lat temu 3
At present, for each domain, I have to create a new project. So, lets say I have 5 projects, I have to jump between projects to see the rankings.

Please show an overview of all keywords (from all projects) under one roof. 
W trakcie analizy

По-проектная навигация

Maksym Pshennikov 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Rankinity 11 lat temu 1
Находясь на странице проекта, невозможно перейти на страницу вверх (на страницу списка проектов) кроме как кликнуть по логотипу. В связи с этим, предалагю внедрить в интерфейс навигации элемент, наведя курсор на который будет выпадать список рабочих проектов.

Rank checking intervals

Andrius 9 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Rankinity 9 lat temu 1
It looks like your system is ignoring one-time manual rank checks while calculating automatic rank check intervals. The next automatic rank check should always run after the configured time interval since the LAST check (whether it was manual or automatic), but not since the last automatic check. If the one-time rank check has been executed manually, the automatic rank check interval should be counted since the LAST check, which was in this case a manual check.

How can I export keyword from my project?

Patrick Sirtoli 9 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Rankinity 9 lat temu 1
Cannot find the function, is it possible?

adding keywords - upload keywords is greyed out.

Mike Schawel 9 lat temu zaktualizowano 9 lat temu 2
I need to add more keywords (I don't have a 1000) but the button to do that is always greyed out. Please advise.

Add option for once a month rankings check

pSERPs 10 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Rankinity 10 lat temu 1

Please consider the option of adding the option of 30 days for the Keyword Checking Interval. 

We have many projects which only require a monthly checkup, and I am sure that many others do too. 

It would help a lot in the usability of your service, since for now, for these kind of projects we are always  suspending the projects, then unsupending them, perform one-time check etc, etc... A too arduous work. It is also an economic advantage that could please many future users.

uppercase lowercase keywords

Fiona Fell 9 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Rankinity 9 lat temu 1

Does it matter if I have some uppercase keywords, lowercase keywords, and sentence case keywords.

Do I need to enter all verions:




Or would that give me back the same postion ranking?