Tus comentarios

Hello Mattia,

Thank you very much for your positive feedback and ideas! We plan to implement a progress indicator to show the status of the keyword checking in percentage (0-100%). This task with your recommendations has been added to our task list.
Hello Ryan,

Unfortunately, the project website address cannot be changed or redefined. If you want to change the website address you have to create a new project with new address. Sorry.
Здравствуйте, Александр!

Функция автоматического определения частотности по WordStat и по Keyword Planner уже в работе. Как только данная функция будет готова и полностью отлажена, мы сразу ее выложим. Вес ключевых слов будет выставляться автоматически. Брать дополнительные деньги за определение частотности мы не планируем.
Hello Ryan,

We always scan all 100 links in the search results and find the positions of all pages that belong to your website. You don't need to create additional projects to monitor positions of all pages.

If you created a group of keywords and assigned a target URL for this group, then on the "Positions" page you will see a special label near each keyword of the group that indicates the status of the target URL.

"Target page wins" status means that the target page has higher position than other visible pages and the displayed position is the position of the target page. "Target page loses" status means that the target page has lower position than other visible pages of your site.

You can also click on any keyword and use the "Pages" filter to see all visible pages, their positions and the change of the positions.
Добрый день, Олег!

Яндекс изменил структуру выдачи и наши парсеры временно перестали работать. Мы сделали необходимые исправления и теперь всё должно нормально работать.
Добрый день, Алексей!

Компанию необходимо создавать только в том случае, если вы хотите сделать полный ребрэнд нашего сервиса и перенести его на свой домен. В этом случае вы можете продавать услуги Rankinity от своего имени. Если это не требуется, то достаточно просто создать проект для вашего сайта и загрузить в него ключевики. Привязка проекта к компании никак не влияет на точность проверки.

Более подробно о компаниях можно узнать здесь: http://blog.rankinity.ru/sovmestnaja-rabota-nad-proektami-rankinity/
Hello Terry,

Yes, we plan to add rank tracking in Bing, but not in the nearest future. We are currently working on many other tasks and want to finish them as soon as possible.
...in addition. You can get all ranks for any competitor in your project. To get all ranks for the specified competitor, please do the following:

1. Get the list of projects.
2. Get the list of competitors.
3. Get the list of ranks for the required competitor using competitor ID, Search Engin ID and your token ID.

To get ranks by the keyword you can add &search=mykeyword at the end of the API request.
Thank you for the detailed information! We have optimized the API algorithms and now all your API requests should work correctly. Please let us know if you will need further help.
We did not measure the QPS of the API, since our servers are powerful enough for the general scenarios of API usage. But if you have any special requirements or if have problems with API usage, please let us know.